Common Treatment Paths for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Dubai

To detect erectile dysfunction all a urology doctor needs is to conduct a physical examination and to know the medical history of the patient. Basis this the doctor can provide medication or treatment for sexual dysfunction among the men. If your doctor suspects that you may have some underlying chronic disease, then he may ask to undergo additional tests or seek advice from a specialist. To further diagnose the erectile condition, the doctor may ask to do an ultrasound, urine test, blood test, etc. depending upon what the doctor is suspecting it to be, he will suggest the test.

To receive erectile dysfunction treatment Dubai it is a must to visit urology near you which can help you zero down on your treatment. Here are a few common paths for treatment.

Oral Medicines

The first and foremost common treatment is to provide oral medication rich with nitric oxide like Viagra, avanafil, Tadalafil, etc. This medication enhances blood flow to the penis and relaxes the muscles down there to get sexual stimulation. Other than this your doctor will monitor your progress and figure which medications work best for you and in how much dosage. Keep in mind though, if you are consuming any other medicines for other health reasons, it is best to consult with your doctor if it’s safe to mix both the medicines together.


It is found that a regular class of aerobics can help you overcome your erectile dysfunction. Even exercises which do not require much physical push can also be an aid. Though it is best to discuss the plan of action with your doctor before hitting the gym or vigorous walking.


The psychological impact can also cause erectile dysfunction among men. The impact could be anything – tension, nervousness, melancholy, or even stress within your personal relationship. It is advisable to undergo counseling to understand what the reason for this root cause can be.


Erectile dysfunction can deteriorate due to the choices you make in your day-to-day life. If you have a habit of smoking heavily or intake of nicotine is high from any source, then it can be the cause of the issue. Also, gaining an excessive amount of weight is also a factor. Even a person with habitual drinking can cause lifelong harm to health and erection. It is better to control it before things go out of your hand and then the last stage is of the surgery, where the success rate is mixed with risks.

Hormonal Replacement

One can also increase the hormone testosterone by adhering to self-injections or ICI to maintain and raise the level of male hormones. These injections are painful but have their advantages and the success rate is huge.

If even after all this the issue still persists then you must undergo surgery where implants are added. Your urology doctor Dubai will suggest you the right treatment depending upon the age factor.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Dubai
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